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Grow Your IMAGE in a Time of Change

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Your Guide to mastering change 

This 4-week programme blends online learning with regular mentoring designed to give you a very practical guide to what matters when dealing with change. Using a proven conduit, the programme's aim is to support your growth with strategic change management skills so that you achieve personal strength and confidence. This is not only to master change but to make it happen in style! 

Your blueprint for personal transformation is here...but if you need more convincing, read on....


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Why mastering change matters ... 

Facts about women making an impact by leading change have taken centre stage in the recent time. Women have innate abilities which could be capitalised for economic recovery and transformation beyond the immediate.  However....

Research by PWC concluded that women suffered 78 per cent of job losses in the first wave of the pandemic. 72 per cent of mothers suffered cuts to their income, according to a motherhood charity.  

According to a professional network women of all ages took Personal Branding courses in 2020. The number of learners has doubled in Q1 2021.   

The Academy for Women Entrepreneurs said that work has completely dried up for 30 per cent of female firms. Rest Less, an over-50s website, said that 100,000 women over 50 have stopped working in the UK alone.

Surveys show that, on average, a third of women in leadership roles succeed at lasting change. They also tend to devote more than half hour a day for well-being and self-improvement. 

Wearing what feels good and has been produced ethically is what both Millennials and Generation-z have embraced with more intent than other demographics. Still  women across segments wear 20% of what they have in their wardrobe. 

...what does this all mean?

Learning the skill of personal change is for everyone

A Programme designed for MOTHERS, DAUGHTERS, FRIENDS, ENTREPRENEURS, BOSSES and EMPLOYEES who are ready to:   

  • Learn ALL THEY NEED TO KNOW to seize the opportunity and plan for change.
  • Initiate the urgency, create a vision, early wins and make change happen. SUSTAINABLY. Use what thy wear to SIGNAL and MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN.
  • Emerge in style and grow confidently in the 'new normal'.  

You can learn the SKILL OF CHANGE, even if:

...just thinking of dressing up for a day in the office sounds daunting!

...even if few outfits in your current wardrobe still fit, not to say anything about what you actually like any more...

...even if your excitement for texture, print and colour seems to have diminished of late....

...even if you are struggling with uncertainty at every corner... and can't feel but getting closer to a tipping point.  If only there was someone out these to give you a gentle push...


You get structure and momentum from practical knowledge and regular mentoring!

Because no matter how much energy you have, or good instincts, how amazing you are as a multitasker, you should get better at communicating your personal values and outlook on life through your own image.

So, the more committed you are to defining your reasons for how you think and what you wear now, how you wish to land a new job, business, relationship, move house or else - the more poised you are for change. Change fuels new growth, BIG TIME.

What results do others see?


"Your programme has taken me, effortlessly, through a wide spectrum of issues, without losing focus on image. There is a goal - regardless of age - and we can reach it - and yet keeping the conversation open, positive and practical".

Dana, pharma physician



"I am experiencing a lot of change – social, creative, physical – and your programme has given me an inspired start on this practice of personal transformation".

Filipa, artist


"Your programme and working with you was a breath of fresh air. I have learnt so much about myself that I now apply it every day. A really big ‘thank you’!" 

Gabi, manager


"Mentorship suits you as a glove. You have the experience to help others explore and dare to explore their own re-invention".

 Elena, Senior Director




Your Image Ability training that Stirs, Shakes and Takes You (nicely!) through theĀ  EXACT Steps For Understanding What Matters For You To Create The Conditions for CHANGE, to IMPLEMENT and SUSTAIN IT for the LIFE YOU WANT.Ā Ā 

This is what you have access to:Ā Ā 

THE critical kick, structure and information you need to understand what change takes and to plan with intent.

Practical guidance from a mentor who has nearly 30 years experience in change and image management and still runs her own business.

INSTANT access to the 'Image Growth in a Time of Change' training and mentoringā€”so that you can build your Image Ability to the next level and GROW.

Exclusive growing community of other smart women who care about their image and the impact they make on others and in the environment. 


Defining your image goals in the new normal

Understanding your reasons for change

Discover what it takes to begin tackling change

So that you draft your plan: see the bigger picture in 4 steps 


Creating your sense of urgency

Review your assumptions, value chain and your assets - and be clear about your priorities

Understand the importance of action

Step-by-step instructions on how to use your wardrobe to make changes in more areas of your life


Creating a vision and early wins for your Image

The 7-questions guide to help you make your vision effective

Exactly what to do, strategically, about your own wardrobe - and show results

How to use communication to get support for your vision

Explore the barriers limiting your change


Making change happen and sustain it

Discover how to keep focus and momentum

Explore how to integrate and accelerate your change endeavoursĀ 

Assess where you are in your Image Ability journey and map your path forward.

Don’t waste a crisis!

It may be the easiest of all to stay into thinking “I'll pick things up where I left them in March 2020' or 'I'll have another think of my dream job when things settle' ... 

...But this is a false, misleading comfort.

Simply because you give control to the others to lead your external change as opposed to applying your own reasons for change and leading your own transformation. 

AND the worst part?

The loss of time and cost of the opportunity to you by not challenging your own assumptions, relationships and, frankly, not investing in strategic, transferrable skills. The loss of personal growth, as is the loss of muscle, can hardly be recovered, whatever intensive training you may be lured into.

So, don't waste a crisis, make those changes you have been craving for. It's only those who do not try do not succeed at change. 

I am not a know-it-all-super-woman but if you are a mother, daughter, friend, wife, boss, colleague, consultant - this is how I CAN help you...

...learn the ropes of change by getting you started to build your change skills as the next step.

...use your Image and wardrobe to help you breakthrough your bigger change challenges.

I am not a psychotherapist or the ubiquitous coach or stylist - there are many out there you can hire to help you through a tactical crisis, or chose an outfit for an event perhaps.  What I can do is mentor you strategically through your change challenges. The truth is that we could only do this if you value a smart relationship where we get things done, keep learning and moving. 

If you are anything like me, your Image is valuable as it projects the life you wish to live. But it is your choice to use it to communicate your personal values, or just pay lip-service to any meaningful transformation you deserve now. You want to be able to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to manage change every time, not only for predictable events.  You want to have a framework of knowledge and mentoring to develop your own ability to practice change;  I have proven that by starting with your own wardrobe you have a great, and safe place to experiment while creating impact. Ultimately, isn't what we wear a universal key to curiosity, fun, creativity and focus?

 The solution is simple.

What you wear is a tool for change and growth.  Get smarter at managing your image and your wardrobe YOURSELF—and build resilience and preparedness without wasting time and money on fast fashion or hit-and-miss trials with no connection to your own identity and life goals.


Important Note:  I’m offering a 14-day, no questions asked, money back GUARANTEE. If you're not satisfied with the quality of the content in this programme, or for any other reason whatsoever, send an email to [email protected] requesting a full refund. I hope this gives you extra peace of mind.


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Be part of a group of smart women who are using learning to lead change stylishly and confidently.   


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